Violette1st Wikia

(Violette1st intro)

William: Why?

Violette! Because it says.......... homework.

William: I’ll break that camera.

(The video starts with Violette looking at William’s homework)

Violette: Hello everybody, um, first, I want to say to anyone who’s in school a lot of kids are going back to school this week and I just wanna say, welcome back! Um, I hope everyone had a great summer, um, I know generally usually people look forward to the first week of school. I did as a kid even though I love my summers I kind of look forward to going back, and I think (Moves camera to look at William) most people (Moves camera back to the homework sheet) maybe not (Moves camera to look at William again) all people-

William: Why am I going back to school why? I hate school and you know it.

Violette: Well, you told me though that you’re gonna take pride in high school.

William: We’ve been going on for this like five minutes you know I’m not gonna do it what do you want?!

Violette: This is your first week in high school and I want you to-

William: I DON’T CARE!!!

Violette: Okay the teacher-William has an assignment and he won’t do it already.

William: Why do I have to do it in the first place?! It’s probably like one point.

Violette: You gotta William, you need to do your homework.

William: Why?!

Violette: William, the teacher just-come on you just wanna start school on a good foot.

William: Well, the teacher must be a-what kind of scrub gives you homework on the first day of school?! What kind of idiot?! I don’t know what kind of idiot gives you homework on the-mom, have you ever gotten homework on the first day of school?

Violette: Uh (stammers)

William: I’m not doing homework on the first day of school.

Violette: Maybe the teacher just said-

William: I’ll send him a frickin message. Go in there and rip up all the other kids homework.

Violette: William! You need to do it. You need to do it. William-

William: I’m not doing the homework you’ve been going on for like what, ten minutes now?

Violette: I insist you do it. (William snatches the homework) Okay, you’re gonna do it right?

William: NO!!! OF COURSE NOT!!!

Violette: And where are you going with the homework assignment? (Sighs) Come on William. Do the homework.

William: Here we are.

Violette: Oh what-what are you do-what are you doing? Put that down! (William shoots his homework with the BB gun and scares the cat) Are you serious?! I told you not to shoot guns in the house! (William shows Violette the homework with the hole) That’s it no more shooting-

William: Mom have fun with this.

Violette: You put a hole in it? You can still do it. (William gets a lighter) Oh gee that’s really productive. You’re going in the bathroom with your homework assignment? What are you doing? (William burns his homework with the lighter) Oh no! No William! Oh my gosh! You know what?! That is so stupid! Again?! This is the first day of school! Come on! Don’t be so silly!


Violette: Why?!


Violette: That’s-

William: BACK UP!!!

Violette: Oh stop! Stop it put that you’re gonna start a fi- you’re gonna make the alarms go off! (William drops the homework on the toilet)

William: All right.

Violette: Oh that was real smart!

William: And now, we flush. (William flushes toilet)

Violette: No you ca-if you do that you’ll crack the toilet!

William: Now I’m going upstairs.

Violette: You know what, I want you to go upstairs, and you know what? I want you to stay in your room for the night!

William: ALL RIGHT!!! I WILL!!!

Violette: You are punished and I bi-forbid you to leave your room, I want you to stay in your room all night!

William: WHAT IF I GET HUNGRY?!?!?!

Violette: I will bring your dinner to you, as-I insist that you’re gonna be stuck in your room!

William: Mom, are you gonna bring my dinner to me?

Violette: Yeah and by the way,

William: What?

Violette: I already talked with your teachers the teachers emailed-


Violette: Your teacher emailed me-


Violette: What do you-well, we’ll talk about that after you do homework!

William: WHATEVER!!!

Violette: Your teacher emailed me a copy I’m gonna go print it! So have fun!

William: (Inaudible) (Opens door) WITH THAT CAMERA WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!?!

Violette: I want you to do your homework!

William: I don’t-it’s already-it’s burned. I flushed it down the toilet!

Violette: Have fun being stuck in your room all night.

William: Oh I will (Closes door)

Violette: I’ll-I’m gonna print the homework from the printer that I-

William: Why are you still out there?! (Opens door)

Violette: I’m gonna go get it right now! Bye! (The video cuts to the “Thanks for watching!” Sign and “Please like and subscribe!” Sign) (The video ends)
