Violette1st Wikia

Violette1st 2017-2018 intro

William: DON’T MESS WITH ME!!!


William: You better not turn off the frickin’ internet!

Violette: ‘Cause it says,

William: I have a- GET- headache. GET FRICKIN’ REKT!!!


William: Get out!

(Violette1st logo pops up and explodes.)


(The video starts.)

Violette: (To the viewers) Hello everyone, ummmmmm, um, I’m here tonight to talk about William’s shoes. Yup. His shoes. That might seem silly, but you’ll understand why soon. Um, William has his shoes, and the one pa- one si- one shoe is ripping up from the sole of the shoe, and he’s giving me a hard time ‘bout replacing his shoes, and he has his own way of fixing em’, and I just need to show you this. You gotta see it to get it. (Knocks on her son’s door)

William: (To Violette) What?

Violette: (To William) Hey. (A moment of silence.) Hello.

William: What?

Violette: Um, lemme see your shoes please.

William: Why?

Violette: I just need to see them.

William: Why?

Violette: (Films Carly) Mi- Carly and I have to see them.

William: Why?

Violette: ‘Cause I’m doing a vlog of shoes.

William: Why?

Violette: William, just lemme see your shoes. (A moment of silence.) Please let me see your shoes.

William: (Picks up one pair of shoe while sighing) Here.

Violette: Shoooooooooooooooooooooes.

William: You don’t need to see the other one.

Violette: Shooooooooooooooooooooooes! I’m doing a vlog about shoes.

William: (Over Violette) You don’t need to see the other one.

Violette: Yes, I do.

William: Why?

Violette: W- why? You have something to be ashamed of? (William puts his second pair of shoe next to the first one.) There they are. (To the viewers) There’s William’s shoes. (Picks up her son’s one pair of shoe) One shoe is in decent shape. (Picks up her son’s second pair of shoe) the other shoe...he has it duct-taped together. (A moment of silence.) Duct tape on the bottom and everything. That’s the way...

William: Yeah, but the thing is, it’s ripping up apart here, so I needed to fix it. It’s fine now...

Violette: You can either fix it, or just- you could replace the shoes.

William: Noooooooooooooooooo,

Violette: But,

William: It’s fine.

Violette: (To the viewers) William, and duct tape,

William: (Over Violette) It’s fine the way it is.

Violette: -and tape. William is like, the king of tape acts. If it’s not an electronic, or a food item, he will tape it...for an example, (To William) Where’s your backpack?

William: Why?

Violette: Let me see your backpack, please. Please l-

William: (Points somewhere) It’s over there. (Violette grabs her son’s backpack.)

Violette: (Struggles) It’s heavy.

William: Okay, whaddya want now?

Violette: Can I see your folder?

William: Why?

Violette: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

William: You need to?

Violette: Yes. Let me see the folder. (A moment of silence.) (William grabs out his folder while his mom films her son’s duct-taped folder.) (To the viewers) This is William’s folder. (Puts her son’s shoes out of the way) I’ll move this outta the way. (Focuses back on the folder) This is William’s school folder. (A moment of silence.) It is a thicker- as thick- if not thicker than a phonebook. I don’t know if any of you guys know what a phonebook is, ask your parents. Anyways, it’s basically very thick for a folder. At the beginning of the school year, the school gives you one folder, y’know, parents supply folders, but the school gives you like, their own version of a folder. This is not his folder from the beginning of this school year, (William picks up Whinney.) this is his folder from the beginning of the previous school year that he still uses this school year. He refused to use the new school folder, and insist on...this one, anytime it had any kind of tear, he would duct-tape it. (Opens her son’s folder) Look, duct-tape.

William: What? (Violette closes her son’s folder.) You gotta close it in a certain way, or the papers will like, start to fall out.

Violette: (To William) That’s why you need a new folder, can I show the back of your folder?

William: (Shows the viewers the back of his folder) Why?

Violette: (To the viewers) Look at that, look at that thing, it’s completely complete duct-tape. (To Whinney) Whi- Whinney, can you move? I’m trying to do a vlog bud. Whinney. Please? (To the viewers) Duct- the whole thing is duct-tape. He- there’s a paper clip on there, I mean, I don’t even wanna ask. Y’know, William loves duct-tape, (Films William’s door) The door here. When his dad chainsawed it, William duct-taped it. He didn’t wanna get a new door, he just wanted to duct tape it. (To William) And also, lemme see your pencil case.

William: (ASMR) Why?

Violette: Lemme see your pencil case. (William digs inside his backpack.) Which is you’ve even called it a pencil- (To the viewers) This is a Ziploc bag, William would not let me get a real pencil case. It’s a Ziploc bag he uses for his pencils, and markers, and all that, and this bag, I think he’s had it since not this school year, not since last school year, but since the middle of the school year before. He will duct-tape this thing, and keep taping it, so he can continue to use it. Oop.

William: Mom, there’s a hole in the bottom.

Violette: (To William) I guess you- sorry ‘bout that. Would’ja like me to get’chu a pencil case?

William: No, I just need more tape.

Violette: Ugh! (To the viewers) Like I said, him, and the duct tape.

William: I might have to start duct taping this. Um, it seems to work.

Violette: (To William) It is duct-taped.

William: No, no, it’s normal tape. I mean like, real duct-tape. (Pats Whinney on his back) That’s only normal tape. Duct-tape uhhh, is a lot stronger.

Violette: That’s thick tape though, that’s packaging tape. Which is still a big deal. (To the viewers) The point is, he uses big thick tape for things, he tapes everything. (To William) Well...there is gonna be a change tonight, and this is something that will be for a good. (To the viewers) William will realize it later, (To William) but tonight we’re gonna do something very special. Guess what we’re gonna do, William?

William: What?

Violette: We’re getting a new pair of shoes.

William: For who, Zachary?

Violette: No.

William: I’ll go shopping for him.

Violette: No, that- that’s nice, but you can do that, but these are for you.

William: But I don’t- I have shoes.

Violette: You need new shoes. (A moment of silence.)

William: But if I already have one, why do I need sh-

Violette: It’s time for a change.

William: Whaddya mean?

Violette: It’s time for a change in shoes. The time has come to replace your shoes.

William: Oh no, no, no, you want me to get these, and not wear these again? And-

Violette: That’s the idea, yes.

William: No. No.

Violette: William!

William: No.

Violette: You are getting new shoes.

William: No.

Violette: Yeah, you are.

William: Nope.

Violette: You are.

William: Nope.

Violette: You are.

William: Nope.

Violette: You are.

William: No.

Violette: You are.

William: No.

Violette: Are.

William: No.

Violette: Are. Are. You are.

William: No.

Violette: (Clears her throat a little) You are.

William: No.

Violette: You are. (A moment of silence.) You are.

William: No, I’m not!

Violette: You are!

William: NO, I’M NOT!

Violette: You are! You are!


Violette: You are you are you are you are you are-


Timecard: 1 hour later


Violette: What kind of display is that?!


Violette: Oh my word!


Timecard: The next day...


William: (Points at his mom) Out!

Violette: You are getting new-

William: OUT!

Violette: Alright! Well guess what?! How much do you like your phone service?

William: A lot.

Violette: Well, good, because you are gonna- you- I’m turning off your phone data...tonight.

William: It’s set.

Violette: Your internet. You know, your phone internet. I’m turning it off.

William: No, you’re not!

Violette: Yes, I am.

William: No, you’re not.

Violette: I’m turning it off when I leave this room.

William: You’re not.

Violette: If either- you can either have new shoes, and internet, or no shoe, and old shoes, and no internet on your phone. WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE?! (Fast talk) YOU’RE GONNA GET NEW SHOES! YOU CAN’T WALK DOWN THE DRIVEWAY, AND WALK ON PUDDLES, SOME OF YOUR FEET MIGHT GET ALL WET, YOU HAVE NO SHOES TO PROTECT YOURSELF TO WHERE- I MEAN, I KNOW, THAT’S RIDICULOUS, DON’TCHU?!

William: That’s kinda ridiculous.

Violette: IT IS!

William: Why- why can’t walk down with da-

Violette: Internet is going off, okay? Unless, you get new shoes, you got it?!

William: It’s fine, you can take your time to turn off the router.

Violette: No, the internet on your phone is going off.

William: Oh no!

Violette: Yes! Oh yes!

William: Wait, but you’re leaving it on downstairs on, right?

Violette: All internet’s going off tonight!

William: No!

Violette: Unless, you can use it for Sum- yes! YOU’RE GETTING NEW SHOES, WILLIAM!

William: NO, I’M NOT!


William: NO, I’M NOT!



Violette: What kind of display is that?! Alright, the internet- I’ll be back, I’m gonna turn off your internet, that’s fine.

William: Y’know what? I’ll get new shoes.

Violette: You can even get them on- yes. Online. Well, I’m gonna go downstairs, and give you 10 minutes to find a pair of shoes, you pick em’ out, and I will buy them, and have them shipped to the house, okay?

William: It’ll take me longer than 10 minutes to find some shoes, mom.

Violette: Actually, you know what? That’s fine, as long as you’re actively searching, I will check the internet to make sure you’re actually looking for shoes, okay? (To the viewers) I’m gonna turn this off, and we’ll be back when William has picked his shoes.

William: Okay.

Violette: Until then, bye.

Text: To be continued. Tomorrow on Violette1st!

Future William: (To Future Violette) Are you ready to see the best shoe in the world?

Future Violette: (To the viewers) You know what? I so frickin’ wanna throw the shoe in the woods so bad.

Future William: YOU MAY HAVE WON THE BATTLE, BUT YOU DIDN’T WIN THE WAR!!! (The video ends.)
